About Me

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I'm an old-fashioned girl who likes to feel feminine. I'm a mother of one beautiful little lady. Our dog, Henry, considers himself her older brother. I have a husband who loves me and makes me feel beautiful. Who could ask for more?




When the sun
Shines through the leaves of the apple-tree,
When the sun
Makes shadows of the leaves of the apple-tree,
Then I pass
On the grass
From one leaf to another,
From one leaf to its brother,
Tip-toe, tip-toe!
Here I go!

-From When We Were Very Young
By A. A. Milne



true feelings

Tell those you care about just how much you love them so.


i'll take a slice

Emma decided she wanted to be a piece of pizza for Halloween this year.  At first it started out as plain pepperoni and then it became supreme when Emma saw all the colorful felt down the craft aisle.  My father and I finished the costume a few hours before trick-or-treating time.  To our surprise she wore it the entire time we were out and about.  Hope everyone else had a Halloween as delicious as ours!

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