About Me

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I'm an old-fashioned girl who likes to feel feminine. I'm a mother of one beautiful little lady. Our dog, Henry, considers himself her older brother. I have a husband who loves me and makes me feel beautiful. Who could ask for more?


a day at Southern Accents

My husband and I just went to visit our good friend who runs Southern Accents in Downtown Cullman.  Every time we go into his shop we fall in love with old church pews, handcrafted mirrors, chairs and mantels.  One day I plan to bring home one of his gorgeous tubs!  We decided to take some shots in his unique and brilliant store.  If you enjoy beautiful old things I would highly recommend paying him a visit one day. 

Southern Accents
Cullman, Alabama

1 comment:

  1. Fun memories and great shots too! Your dress is adorable!


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